Project Drishtikon

Ideas. Opinions. Perspectives.

An endeavour of The Sangyan bringing research papers, blogs, columns, comments, factsheets, and book and movie reviews, among other academic and associated endeavours, on the subject matter concerning social, economic, political, legal, environmental, and developmental themes and their intersectionalities.

Here are the published work to date.

  1. Disaster and Disability: Indian Legal Framework

  2. Common But Differentiated Responsibility to Combat Climate Change: A Jurisprudential Perspective

  3. Climate Change and Disability: International Legal Framework

  4. Climate Change, Disability, and the Capability Approach

  5. Intellectual Property in Sports — Ambush Marketing

  6. Climate Refugees: Disaster and Climate-induced Migration and Displacement of People with Disabilities

  7. Assessing the Groundwater Situation in Northern India

  8. Ukraine-Russia Conflict and Its Fallouts for the Indian Agriculture Sector and Water Stress

  9. Status of Disability Inclusion in Disaster Risk Management: Indian Perspective

  10. Beyond Environmental Issues: Climate Change as Social, Economic, and Political Concerns

  11. Heatwave And Disability

  12. Wildlife Crimes: Legal Framework

  13. Impact of Climate Change on Employment and Livelihood of People with Disabilities

  14. Locating Sex Workers within the Realm of Labour Laws

  15. Impact of Climate Change on the Health of Persons with Disabilities

  16. Ban on Single-Use Plastic and Eco-Ableism

  17. Right against Self-Incrimination within the Money Laundering Regime (Article 20(3) vis-à-vis § 50)

  18. State Responsibility under Paris Agreement — A “Legally Binding Treaty” or Not?

  19. Historical, But Is It Inclusive? — A comment on the UNGA Resolution on the Request for an Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States regarding climate change from the disability perspective.

  20. झारखंड सरकार के 2023 बजट अभिभाषण पर विकलांग अधिकार संबंधी टिपण्णी।