black blue and yellow textile

Prakalp PrajñaNyāyam | प्रकल्प प्राज्ञन्यायम्

An initiative to advocate and promote Legal, Judicial and Policy Reforms based on the Indian Knowledge Systems (Bharatiya Gyan Parampara), Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, and civilizational principles of Dharma, Nyaya and Niti. Prakalp "प्राज्ञन्यायम्" (Prājñanyāyam) Meaning:

प्रकल्प (Prakalp) – Project / Initiative / Endeavour | प्रज्ञा (Prājña) – Derived from प्रज्ञा (Prajñā), meaning supreme wisdom, consciousness, or enlightened knowledge | न्यायम् (Nyāyam) – Meaning justice, fairness, or a judicial system rooted in Dharma.

Thus, "प्राज्ञन्यायम्" signifies "Wisdom-Driven Justice"—a legal and judicial reform initiative and endeavour based on the Bharatiya Gyan Parampara / Indian Knowledge Systems, Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and civilizational principles of Dharma, Nyaya, and Niti.

Motto (ध्येय वाक्‍य) -
प्रज्ञया न्यायः प्रतिष्ठितः। (Prajñayā Nyāyaḥ Pratiṣṭhitaḥ.)
"Justice is established through wisdom."
विद्यया न्यायो वर्धते। (Vidyayā Nyāyo Vardhate.)
"Justice flourishes through knowledge."