Build Forward Better Campaign
Build Forward Better Campaign - an endeavour to build an all-inclusive, climate-resilient, universally accessible world that 'leaves no one behind' by establishing the National Mission on Climate Change and Vulnerable Communities under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (India 2008) & mainstreaming climate justice discourse within the disability sector and vice versa.

Basics of Build Forward Better Campaign

नवारंभः अन्यारंभस्यांतादायाति। [Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. हर एक नयी शुरुआत किसी अन्य शुरुआत के अंत से ही प्रारम्भ होती है।]
Research and Advocacy for Change is a never-ending cyclic process; however, it's time to begin our Campaign, BUILD FORWARD BETTER, based on the work carried out in the last couple of years.
आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः [May auspicious thoughts come to us from all over the world. हमारे लिए सभी ओर से कल्याणकारी विचार आएं।]
Here is a call to all who resonate with the cause of climate and disability justice to join this campaign, become part of it, support this journey of nudging, triggering, and catalysting change and provide us with your valuable ideas, feedback and suggestions to help us do better in our endeavour.
Tune in for the updates and join us to create a positive change within the climate and disability space.
Poster Concept and Design: Adv. Abhishek Kumar for The Sangyan
Objectives of the Campaign
1. Mainstreaming disability within the climate change discourse and vice versa
2. National Mission on Climate Change and Vulnerable Communities under National Action Plan on Climate Change, 2008
3. Disability-inclusive Climate Laws and Policies and Vice Versa
Campaign Logo

1. National Mission on Climate Change & Vulnerable Communities [Campaign’s Objective]
2. सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः [Motto of the Campaign's Objective]
3. Build Forward Better [Campaign Name]
4. A Campaign by The Sangyan [Campaign’s Curator]
B. Colours: Represents various Natural Elements or Pancha Bhutas that form the basis of all cosmic creation.
1. Sky Blue [Used in the background]: The blue background represents the Jal/Water, Vayu/Air and Aakash/Sky elements.
2. Brown [used in the semicircle that includes community element and सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः]: It denotes Prithvi/Earth and soil enabling life.
3. Green [Used in the colour of the umbrella]: It represents the Prithvi/Earth and the life-sustaining on it.
4. Red [Used in the colour of the Dharma Chakra]: It represents the Agni/Fire element.
C. Elements:
1. Umbrella: It denotes the need for an umbrella mission to protect vulnerable communities from the impacts of climate change and leave no one behind. The umbrella in green colour also resembles a tree above the community element, symbolising the shelter/cover that an umbrella/tree provides, and so similarly, this mission shall protect people, especially vulnerable communities, including persons with disabilities, from climate change.
2. Dharma Chakra: The first one denotes Rajyadharma of the Republic of India [Bharat] to protect people from the impacts of climate change.
3. Dharma Chakra: The second one denotes Climate Justice.
4. Group of People: This element represents diverse sets of people and their community, especially vulnerable communities, including children, women, old adults and persons with disabilities, who are disproportionately impacted by climate change.
5. The umbrella, and the semicircle beneath that (which includes an element representing community and the text - सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः) enjoin together to form Earth with top in green and bottom in brown.
The Texts, Colours and Elements of the Logo come in unison to represent the campaign's basis, context and objective.
The logo of the Build Forward Better campaign has been conceptualised, Designed and Created by Adv. Abhishek Kumar for The Sangyan.
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