Explainers - Get to know the Context (Simply Put)

Case Laws Brief
Re, the Right to a Healthy Environment & the Right to be Free from the Adverse Effects of Climate Change The case brief disseminates this crucial judgment & provides a summary using important paragraphs and excerpts from the M K Ranjitsinh & Ors. vs. Union of India & Ors.

“Assessing vulnerability the first step towards assessing climate risk” - Climate Vulnerability Assessment for Adaptation Planning in India using a Common Framework Report [2021]

Digital Accessibility for Persons with Visual Impairment at the Parliament Library of India. The following hardware and software have been integrated with the computer facilities.
1. EVO E11 Daisy Player [For persons with visual impairment who do not use the computer - a wi-fi-enabled device that works as a calculator, recorder, FM radio, etc.]."
2. KIBO XS Device [Scanner - used to scan hardcopy, printed, and handwritten documents to listen, translate, digitize, and audio'tize content]
3. Indo-NVDA [Screen Reading Software which is a customized version of NVDA for Indian languages]
4. Orbit 40 Braille Display [40-cell display, which also has a Calculator, Clock, Calendar, Alarm, Word Processor, File Manager and Book Reader.]
5. URead Standalone Text Reading Machine [Works without internet - Book reader that provides the visually impaired user with a listening experience of printed matter, using naturally sounding voices in ten and more Indian languages]
6. Dolphin Screen Magnifier [Documents in any language can be zoomed in up to sixty times for reading along with other features like the change of text and background colour]
7. Sugamya Pustakalaya [an online library that contains books accessible to the blind, people with low vision, or persons with any other print disability.]
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